Platforms and Nicknames
- Pokerstars.EU: Moni1971
- Pokerstars.FR: Ch1perella
- Fulltiltpoker: Moni1971
Setup and Software
- 32' and 27' monitor (have problems with my eyes)
- Pokertracker 4
- Table Ninja 2
- Holdem Resources Calculator
- Tournament Shark
- Session Manager
Main Games
- Multi-table SNGS - currently 45-men / 50 Cent - 8-12 tables
- No Limit and Limit Hold'em MTTs
- Zoom shorthanded - currently NL2 - 1-2 tables
Bankroll Management
Zoom: 40 stacks, decrease if 10 stacks down
Graphs 2015
Uwe571 says : first :)